Deliciously rich and custardy dish with mayonnaise, eggs, and cheese, topped by crispy crackers. This can be made with either summer squash or zucchini...
Yummy sauteed zucchini with other veggies you can find in your fridge!! Very tasty and healthy!! I sometimes add a drop of wine to give it a little more...
Traditional ratatouille vegetables, such as zucchini, are mixed with Italian herbs and then air-fried to create a quick and easy side dish that is nutritious...
This recipe is delicious served either hot or cold, and makes for a flavorful side dish. I personally serve this recipe hot, over a bed of quinoa. Remember...
My great-aunt made this for a family gathering and it's been a hit ever since, even with the kids! The water chestnuts add a different texture and my husband...
A surprisingly tasty, yet healthy, alternative for your fry craving. Use marinara sauce, ranch sauce, or your favorite dipping sauce to finish off this...
I've tried many squash casseroles, but this is by far the best I've ever had. This recipe was given to me by a friend and has gotten rave reviews from...
I didn't start out trying to make a creamy zucchini recipe, but when I glanced in the fridge and saw the last crumbled remains of fresh cream cheese, I...
I didn't start out trying to make a creamy zucchini recipe, but when I glanced in the fridge and saw the last crumbled remains of fresh cream cheese, I...
These cheesy zucchini patties are an excellent way to use up that abundance of zucchini from the garden. Serve with a bit of tomato sauce or sour cream...
My grandmother makes this dish all the time and my husband loves it! For a vegetarian variation, use 1 teaspoon vegetable oil instead of bacon and follow...
A quick, easy and mouth-watering zucchini recipe. The sesame imparts intense flavor which combines deliciously with the Parmesan and seasonings. Cayenne...
Serving this dish with fresh grilled fish is a perfect combination. Zucchini can be grilled, fried, sauteed, or eaten raw in a salad. I grew up eating...
Zucchini, corn, tomatoes, bell peppers, and onions smothered in melted cheese! Yumm, great side dish, for any meal I serve with Mexican food, and an old...
Zucchini, corn, tomatoes, bell peppers, and onions smothered in melted cheese! Yumm, great side dish, for any meal I serve with Mexican food, and an old...
A fun summer dish that is sort of like a savory zucchini cobbler. This is a great side dish and can easily be used as a main dish for a light summer dinner....
A fun summer dish that is sort of like a savory zucchini cobbler. This is a great side dish and can easily be used as a main dish for a light summer dinner....
A fun summer dish that is sort of like a savory zucchini cobbler. This is a great side dish and can easily be used as a main dish for a light summer dinner....
A fun summer dish that is sort of like a savory zucchini cobbler. This is a great side dish and can easily be used as a main dish for a light summer dinner....
In case you haven't noticed, it's zucchini season. It's everywhere, it's cheap, and it's plentiful. My garden is overrun with zucchini, what about you?...
A delicious way to eat squash. This is a Korean dish that has been passed down to my from my mother. Out of all the Korean dishes I make, my roommates...